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Beast Boogie Presents

Basic Transitions Challenge & Building Blocks Workshop

This is going to be hyyyype!

I’m working with the Dojo on an IG challenge for y’all PLUS a special free workshop that’s going down live on March 25th.

This challenge and workshop are specially geared towards beginners: whether you’ve never danced before, have no body strength, or already know a few moves… this challenge and workshop is going to be for you.

The winner of the challenge is going to get a sick prize from me. Then on March 25th, you’re going to get two world-class breakdance instructors for a whole hour online for FREE, and a ton of special surprises for those who attend live.

Just type in your first name and email below to get signed up:

How to Advance to the Top 32 and Beyond

In this FREE training series, learn how to train your mind, understand judging, and throw a killer round.