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Traditional crews, a dying breed?

Hey what’s going on?

There’s been a lot of talk before, during and after Freestyle Session on the topic of crews and crew battles. Freestyle Session (FSS) last weekend brought back the 10 on 10 crew battles to their competition. There really aren’t too many crew competitions in today’s scene left. That’s why the scene welcomed FSS crew battles with warm hearts but at the same time the discussion started bubbling…

Will it be real crews only? All star teams allowed?

The talk kind of escalated after Monster team won the battles on Sunday. A lot of people had high expectations and strong nostalgia on their favorite crews returning. Me too. That made an energy drink endorsed all star team winning the event, a sensitive issue.

The scene is changing as we know it. Bigger prize money, bigger stages, bigger audiences, sponsorship involved. With that, new opportunities come and people start approaching breaking in different ways.

I won’t talk about REAL crews because what’s real is different to every one. Traditional crew nevertheless is something we can discuss easier. Are the traditional crews disappearing from today’s competitive scene?

What is a traditional hip hop crew then? I see a traditional crew as a family, people who got other members’ back on and off the floor. A bunch of people who face the ups and downs of life together, make noise and express their joy and struggles through the expressive elements of hip hop. Make something out of nothing by representing their creation, the crew, and eventually build a history and legacy under the name. With older crews the different generations add on to the foundation set by the originators which is a beautiful thing.

The crew is one of the leading components of hip hop. It’s what took kids out the ghetto and made dreams come through. That’s why it’s often something sacred for a lot of people. With new aspects on the topic I think it’s a good thing that there is discussion around it.

I’m all for new opportunities for people making a living and a career with what they love. Yet the aspect of traditional crews is very close to my heart. I have a lot of respect for crews who take the traditional route. It’s never the easiest way, it takes a lot effort and struggle to make it the traditional way. Most of the times the traditional way won’t bring the first titles either. But what it does bring is respect.

My respect goes out to the traditionalist taking that extra step. The Massive Monkees, the Momentums, the Skill Methods’, TOP9s etc etc… I have pride in the fact we made to the top16 at FSS with Flow Mo and I’m very proud of every single person in my crew and their growth throughout the years. Even though we’ve had hard times I’m very proud to rep one crew only. On and off the floor.

And I have high hopes on new and traditional crews growing in the future as well. The competition is not everything. It’s a game and part of the culture but only a part of it.

I encourage everyone in the scene to have faith it your own. Give time, respect and effort to support the people close to you and you will get it back.

-Focus / Flow Mo Crew

What’s your favorite crew? Would be dope to hear your picks. Let me know by commenting below.

Reppin’ at Freestyle Session, photo by The Bboy Spot


  1. Sutra says:

    thanks for the words, we are together keeping the original Hip-Hop.

    28th Anniversary STREET BREAKERS CREW – Surprise Party

    In these times of the Digital era it is increasingly difficult to meet and reconnect to celebrate every year that passes this Crew, Sutra and Mike so they decided to take the lead and make a surprise party, with the name of the FAKE event as if it were my birthday (SUTRA), we have been able to reunite most of the members of the SB, besides the Old School had longtime friends and people that we accompany in this journey that we have united and formed this great family, Hip-Hop transforms our lives and that continues for many years, congratulations to the whole Street Breakers Crew and this was my biggest gift of the year, thanks to all the collaborators, supporters, friends, DJ’s, B’boys, B’girls, Rappers, dancers, everyone will contribute to the party happen. We follow: Bishop, Mr-fe, Ní.tro, Sutra, Puber and Mike

  2. Topi says:

    Jussi oli niin huikee toi t-paita päässä vetää, kuinka ysäriä 😀 Unohdin tänää hehkuttaa ja sanoo tost

    1. Focus says:

      Hhee tänks! Throwback 20 v FSS kunniaks ?

  3. Phani kumar says:

    when you travel with your traditional crew and vibe with them in the jam , it creates memories that never fade away till the end . All star crews might win the battle but traditional crew would inspire a whole generation of bboys . When a traditional crew Travels together for a battle ,it’s like the whole family going to a retreat to have fun . Since things are changing gradually it’s hard for the traditional crews to travel together . Whether you win or lose the moment that you spent with your crew in the cypher or on stage is priceless . Individuals can form all star crews .

  4. Max says:

    Word and full support.

  5. Element 3 says:

    Revolución Urbana & Flow Mo, of course


  6. Bboy Spirit says:

    Wow… greatly put im for pour crews with unique styles repping their city/country and creativity….

  7. Morthy_Dlt says:

    Dlt Family !

  8. Ron says:

    Hello Focus. First off i would like to Thank you for everything you have taught me, i really appreciate that, especially the Bruce Lee philosophy, that really changed my thinking, and i am grateful ??.

    What i feel about this topic is very similar to your. It is great to see that HipHop has paved a new Way for people to make a living, But the Crew thing is just something u feel in your heart. Maybe it is because i’ve always started out in a Crew and always been in that crew, and people which havent gotten that feeling, doesnt know what feels like and dont “worry” about it that much. BUT!!! The beautiful thing about a traditionel Crew, and also is the feeling that They Do Not feel, is like, you are one Big family…. my Crew and i hang together every Day, chill, smoke, sharing thoughts and bad times together, and that is also What made us so strong, both in and off the floor.

    And actually because we have this strong connection to each other, people Think that our Crew is sacred, and we dont Take people in. But that is Not the case, we would LOVE to bring in more family members, because we planning to go worldwide, But because of that people dont Think They Can make it… They havent told me directly, that They want to join the Crew, But They been telling like They Wish They had What we have, and i dont get that because, First off we have pretty Many solo breakers in Denmark, enough to make a couple of crews here and there, all it basicly takes is to create a Bond, and build it from there. And the Second thing is, to join a traditional Crew (use mine as an example), takes Nothing more Than u are willing to expose your Real you, to the family, because that is What we are all about, sharing and caring for each other, if we have problems, we share Them, if we are Happy we share our happiness. And that is basicly it.

    I Think that people tend to forget that HipHop is something that bring people together, and Not in a competitive way as you say. Even tho the Crew that you have is your biggest competitors and They keep motivating to become better, and that is just a part of Crew Life.

    Even tho i Can only speak for Denmark, i dont know the rest of the World, But our situation here is, people forgetting that Breaking brings Them together.. Not only at jams, But at practice also, even After practice, you have all the chance in the World, to create a Bond with those whom u already shared a small Bond with. But people just Care about practice… i would love to have other crews in Denmark, both for the competitive sake, But also to see that we are really brought together, and not only in a shallow Way…. – just some small thoughts about it, i Wish i could talk to you tho, But we Will meet, Someday 🙂

    Also!! The creeeews!’

    GamblerZ Crew – i follow some on Instagram and i see that They always practice together, go out to eat After and just hang out as a Fam. Also GamblerZ been around Many years now and its great to see They are still going strong!

    I also like Na’Vi Crew, because i always see Lussy Sky and Drudd together, having fun and competing, and even ocassionally beetle is there too, But the two others Seem to have a great Bond together!

    Soul Mavericks is also a very Nice Crew, i see Them hang around together, on and off practice, both the old gen and also the new gen, it warms my heart!!

    Also Weeekend Warriors from germany is a Nice Crew which have bonded for a long time now.

    But there is so Many crews i really like, massive monkeys, natural effects, flo mo, i could keep on forever!!!
    But compared to How Many solo artist there is out there, it’S just a tiny fragment of What could have been…. and that is sad… – i would love to see more people creating crews with those They have been hanging with and spent blood sweat and tears together… because we really need it!! HipHop Can go a lot further together as different individuals, rather Than just being and individual…

    Thanks for Reading!! Looking forward to your reply, and i hope we Can keep the convo going 🙂

    Best regards
    Specific KidZ – Denmark

  9. My favorite crew is 5 crew dynasty . Been rolling with them for years haven’t gotten down yet . But to me is a real crew . They bicker they love they fight they train they win they lose but when it comes down to it . I don’t see NYC with out 5cd .

    1. Tony says:

      Real crews were what i enjoyed watching the most. Crews like 5 crew dynasty that started as kids and competed for the love of the genre are unfortunately dying off as the money corrupts the scene. Not against bboys making money by forming super crews to compete internationally but hate to see it in stateside battles.

  10. Duckzilla says:

    Flowmo the circle kingz def one of my favourite crew beside skill methodz, hustle kidz etc.
    Great read brother!!

    Much love

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