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Why “Breakdance Tutorials” Don’t Work, and What to Focus On Instead

Why Quick Fixes Don't Work

We’ve been there: either we’re stuck on this move or that combo for weeks, and losing motivation fast. If only there was a simpler YouTube tutorial that broke down the air flares more clearly.

I hate to break it to you, but those quick fixes simply don’t work.

Let me show what WILL work. It’s the ‘Holistic” approach to breaking.

In today’s Knowledge Drop, we’re gonna talk about:

  • How a ‘quick fix’ only fixes the symptoms
  • Why your training needs to go BEYOND the practice spot
  • The EIGHT areas of your life that you need to fix


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How to Advance to the Top 32 and Beyond

In this FREE training series, learn how to train your mind, understand judging, and throw a killer round.